How to create a dynamic form by default?

In this article you will see the step-by-step to create a dynamic default form associated to a modality in Aquila in the cloud.

1. Enter aquila in the cloud with username and password.

Ingreso aquila in the cloud-2

2. In the "+" module (located at the top right) select Technologist form.

Ingresar al modulo plus y submoduloTechnologist form (1)

3. Click on the Register form button.
 4. Select a modality (from the list of drop-down modalities) that does not have a default form.
Seleccionar una modalidad que no tenga creado un form por defecto-2-1
 5. Select the visibility and the mandatory nature of the variables for the form to be created by clicking on the checkboxes that are below the variables.
Seleccionar la visibilidad y obligatoriedad de los campos del form-2-1

6. Save changes by clicking on the save button located at the end of the fields and verify the form created by default.

Click boton guardar y ver el formulario creado en la lista-1